
first blog

We would like to welcome you all to our main source of communication for the next several months.  If you're on this blog, then you had something to do with giving Craig and me support, encouragement, or prayer... you are absolutely wonderful. We will never be able to thank you enough. 

It is indescribable how we have gotten to this point, but one thing we know for sure is we would not be here without each and every one of you and the power of our Lord.

This blogging business is new to us so it will definitely be a learning experience, and this is already taking me hours. The Lord blesses us with specific attributes, and blog skills are not among them.

We promise to keep you posted on thoughts, experiences and happenings on the other side of the globe. We would also love to hear how you and your families are doing and if we can pray for you in any way.

Great view of Birmingham... We will miss this place!

This one (Lola) is giving us the guilt trip for not taking her with us

August 13: To Chicago for training
August 15: 4th Anniversary
August 19: Off to EAST ASIA!